Enroll Now at Kingsley Area Schools

The Kingsley
Every year, more and more parents choose to bring their children to Kingsley Schools. The overwhelming reason is because of our top-notch academics.
We are an award-winning district with teachers who care.
We are big enough to offer all kinds of sports, music programs, and after-school activities, yet small enough to create a culture where every staff member knows your child's name.
We invite you to enroll today, or to get in touch with us to learn more.
Schedule a tour:
(231) 263-5261 ext 1104
Find enrollment info below:

Join us at KAS.
Please fill out the relevant forms and return to the district office:
Kingsley Schools
402 Fenton Street
Kingsley, Michigan 49649
Every prospective student, regardless of grade level, needs to either fill out a Proof of Residency Form or a School of Choice Form if living outside the district.
Additionally, they need to provide the following:
A copy of the legal birth certificate
Immunization Record, or a waiver signed by a physician
An IEP *if they are a special education student