by Kelly Knight
25 students from Kingsley High School were inducted as members of the National Honor Society during a candle lighting ceremony in fall 2021.
The National Honor Society ranks as one of the oldest and most prestigious national organizations for high school students. The Kingsley chapter has been active since 1972.
Chapters exist in more than 60% of the nation’s high schools and, since 1921; millions of students have been selected for membership. Millions of dollars in scholarships have been awarded to senior members since 1945 by the sponsoring organization, the Nation Association of Secondary School Principals.
A Faculty Council selected new members for meeting high standards of scholarship, service, leadership, and character. Ms. Kelly Knight serves as the adviser of Kingsley’s chapter of NHS.
Master of Ceremonies of the evening was President Lauren Wooer. The rest of the members presided over the lighting of the candles. Vice-President Katelyn Lyon spoke regarding the candle of leadership, Secretary Isabelle Goldammer spoke regarding the candle of scholarship, Treasurer Karly Roloefs spoke regarding the candle of character, Parliamentarian Delainey Nickerson spoke regarding the candle of service, and President Lauren Wooer lead the new inductees in the pledge following the lighting of the candles. Vice-President Katelyn Lyon and Secretary Isabelle Goldammer presented certificates to the new members.
The membership is now at 47 students, remaining one of the largest groups Kingsley High School has had. If you see any of these students, please congratulate them on achieving this highly esteemed academic honor.
Sierra Billiau
Owen Buning
Claire Dutton
Ethan Faunce
Ashley Folkersma
Allie Hawkins
Kelly Huis
Madelynne Johns
Laura Klubunde
Jennifer Lefler
Moira Martz
Halle Nesky
Winston Pelloski
Abigail Scarbrough
Kaylee Schelich
Kaitlin Smith
Mackenzie St. John
Paityn VanPelt
Richard Vongkhamchanh
Mary Webb
Kyle Weger
Hailey Angell
Elizabeth Parker
Hannah Raschi
Alexa Sweat
Current Members:
Emma Arnold
Sam Belanger
Philip Brown
Soren Easterwood
Jeremiah Forro
Isabelle Goldammer
Leslie Hamilton
Cylie Jones
Lydia Kastenschmidt
Katelyn Lyon
Erica McInnis
Delainey Nickerson
Cierra Oakley
Brett Peterson
Emma Reuther
Karly Roelofs
Paige Sockol
Annabelle Skrzypczak
Joseph Weber
Grace Whaley
Lauren Wooer
Angel Zoulek