WELCOME to the 2023-2024 school year here at Kingsley High School. I cannot express how excited I am for this new year and the great things ahead for our students and staff.
We have been very busy this summer preparing for this year. It has been a group effort of staff, administration, and our school board to be in such a good position heading into the year.
Here are some highlights heading into the new school year:
We are fully staffed! We were able to fill every position that was posted here in the high school with awesome people. We are able to offer electives and classes that we were not able to offer last year, and can separate ourselves from students needing to take online classes. This also allows us to maintain effective class sizes and make a better learning environment for all students.
A focus this year will be eliminating phone use during class time. Here at Kingsley, we focus on our future, not our phones. Students are free to use their phones before and after school, during passing times, and at lunch. Please help support our teachers and the learning process by not contacting your student during class times.
Updates to the Handbook: Public comment was taken into consideration and our handbook has been updated in many areas. Read the new handbook below:
Free College Prep Workshops: KHS continues to offer free college prep classes for junior and senior families. These start Sunday, August 27, and also run September 10, October 8, and October 15. Click here for signup and more information.
The SAT is moving to an all-digital testing format. We will have our juniors take the practice SAT in October to experience this new format prior to taking the SAT in the spring of 2024.
Homecoming is Friday, September 29 vs. Grayling and the dance is Saturday, September 30.
It is going to be a great year here at Kingsley High School!!!!!
-Chris Rapes
Kingsley High School Principal