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Kingsley Dining Services Back to School Newsletter

Writer's picture: Kingsley Area SchoolsKingsley Area Schools

By Kristy Donner

Dining Services Director

Free Breakfast & Lunch for All Students

KAS will be participating in the Michigan School Meals Program again this year.  What does that mean? ALL students enrolled are eligible to one breakfast and lunch at school with NO charge.  

If you have not completed your household Education Benefits Form please go to or pick up a paper form at any school office.

What's Included with a school breakfast or lunch? A meal includes an entrée, fruit, veggies, and a low-fat milk. Our team will encourage students to take advantage of the fruit and vegetable bar! Therefore, if a team member sees your child with only an entrée we will encourage them to grab a fruit or veggie, however, it is always the students choice. 

Students must take a fruit or vegetable with the entrée to qualify for a free breakfast or lunch.

As participants in the National School Breakfast and Lunch program, we are obligated to follow all regulations. These include serving sizes, calorie content, and nutritional guidelines pertaining to all food offered for sale during the school day.   

Things to Come

Elementary School

  • Lucky tray day 2nd Tuesday of EVERY month

  • September 5th National Pizza day

  • September 18th National Cheeseburger Day

  • October 2nd Cookie Day

  • October 8th National Pierogi Day

  • October 17th National Pasta Day

4th Grade - 12th Grade

  • Wednesdays: International Travel

  • Fridays: BBQ picnic style lunch days

  • September: Breakfast prize month –get entered into a prize drawing every time you come and get school breakfast for the month!!

  • October 2nd: Sweet treat day

  • October 11th: Homecoming Fun

Do you have food allergies or dietary needs?

If your child has a food disability allergy or dietary needs we must receive a Special Dietary Statement, completed by a licensed medical professional (MD, DO, NP, PA) if they plan on eating a school meal. Our child nutrition team is not able to monitor or safe guard any food allergies in our cafes unless we receive a special dietary form on file for your student, per the Michigan Department of Education. After receiving, we can make a plan to safe guard for food allergies in our cafes, provide more information including ingredient labels, a specific dietary plan, and more. Dietary Forms are available here.

How to Add Funds to Accounts

One breakfast and  lunch are free for each student. Extra items maybe available for purchase

Accounts must have funds or cash in hand to purchase extra items.

Additionally, deposits can be made at your child’s school by sending cash or a check payable to Kingsley Schools for no fee. 

Work with Us!

Enjoy the Food Service Industry, but wish you had weekends and holidays off?

Enjoy working with kids and in a fun environment?

We are currently looking for Part Time and On call Workers.

Competitive hourly pay & benefits

Hours are Mon-Fri with major holidays off

USDA Non-Discrimination Statement: In accordance with federal civil rights law and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) civil rights regulations and policies, this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, age, or reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights activity.


For more information email Kristy Donner at



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